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A Timeless presentation with a modern twist

A Natural form of expression 

Noble Silver is a light grey to grey limestone with patches of stromatoporoid sponge fossils in charcoal grey to dark grey. While the charcoal grey patterns make a balanced contrast with the light grey to grey matrix, the presence of calcite veins and patches adds a snow white tinge to the stone. In such a way, the stone looks like a vivid ink painting illustrating a unique black and white picture.



銀貴妃是一種淺灰色至灰色的石灰石,海綿藻化石呈深灰色至炭灰色。化石覆蓋面積約為石灰石的30%至50%。雖然炭灰色圖案與淺灰色至灰色底色形成了平衡的對比,但方解石脈理和斑點的出現為石材增添了雪白的色調。因此,構成了生動的黑白灰格調,加上海綿藻的蜿蜒曲線,使銀貴妃帶有水墨畫的氣韻生動; 而灰色,炭灰色和白色的色調,不論是東方西方,都是一種優雅而高尚的選擇。

A timeless, elegant and classy stone

The Trace for Details 

Noble Silver belongs to the Baizuo Formation of Carboniferous age. Baizuo formation represents an uncommon rock formation environment in Asia. With the low-grade metamorphism ofthe region, Noble silver is compact and hard. The good physical strength, the distinctive appearance and the optimum pattern sizes allow Noble Silver applies in a wide range of products. Noble Silver is undoubtedly one of the most precious creations.

Noble Silver is and will always be a classy, elegant choice.






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